PRICE MONITORING Keep the competitive edge
Price is key in the booking decision!
Monitor your price competitiveness and parity for your hotel(s).
Monitor your price competitiveness and parity for your hotel(s).
All info at a glance
You are in control
Choose the hotels and channels you want to monitor and see daily where your hotel stands in relation to your competitors.
You can also decide to receive an automatic alert if a competitor changes his rates.
You can also decide to receive an automatic alert if a competitor changes his rates.
Check in a single glance where you stand in price parity with OTAs, and where you don’t .... Get both macro-level analytics and cluster-level details on disparity.
Anticipate Market Peak
Never miss events happening in your area : thanks to the most refined database around the world. Add your custom and private events.
Clear and localised documentation
At D-EDGE you are autonomous but never alone. Our user documents are available anytime online, 24/7. They are consulted thousands of times a day and are updated regularly by our experts.
Local Support
Located in more than 22 countries and speaking 20 languages our support team will help in any way at your convenience (phone, email...)
All our staff are seasoned hospitality professionals.
24/7 Platform Monitoring
At D-EGDE we ensure the platform availability is monitored day and night. You take care of your guest, we take care of technology!
The tool’s ergonomics and simplicity of use are, in my eyes, the key points of the tool. It suits hotels willing to handle their pricing policy in an efficient and thoughtful way.
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Metasearch Marketing
Tailor-made bidding campaign solutions to promote your hotel's website on metasearch platforms