Connected to our Central Data Management platform, our campaign management module allows you to create and automate the sending of transactional and marketing emails and newsletters to different audiences. Build meaningful marketing campaigns that will speak to your customers and trigger additional sales for your hotel.
your average basket value
the relationship with your guest
Stay in touch
with your guests
Conversion driven marketing campaigns
Based on the insights collected by our Central Data Management platform, build marketing campaigns that will influence your customers' journey: add a voucher to your brand new spa in your pre-stay email, or trigger the sale of room extras in the booking confirmation, and much more!
Segment your audiences
As your only trusted data source, the Central Data Management platform becomes your best ally to segment your guest into different audiences. Find patterns between customers, separate families from single guests, and create meaningful marketing campaigns for each audience. The more targeted your campaigns are, the more chances you have at conversion!
Design striking communication campaigns
Own the digital conversation with our Campaign Manager module. Plan, design and automate mail or SMS communication campaigns. Establish KPIs for each campaign and track your results in your Central Data Management platform.
Easily automate your campaigns
Power your marketing strategy with automation! Personalise and plan the sending of transactional & marketing emails: booking confirmations, cancellations, special offer emails, and even vouchers are sent instantly according to the rules you've pre-defined.
Measure your campaigns' results
Establish KPI (key performance indicators) for each campaign and easily identify which booking was influenced by your marketing campaign.